Study: Sharing household chores can lead to income gains

Married women in patriarchal societies become more socially and financially independent when they participate in counseling with their spouses aimed at breaking gender norms, according to new research from a University of ...

Online images may be turning back the clock on gender bias

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, and research has shown that the human brain does indeed better retain information from images than from text. These days, we are taking in more visual content than ...

New study explores gender gaps in career paths

A recent study out of Michigan State University found significant variations in career interests between men and women. Surprisingly, even with these interest differences, gender gaps in career opportunities are more substantial ...

Translating humorous children's poetry? Content matters most

Translating poetry is notoriously difficult. Translating poetry in such a way that the humorous nature of a poem remains intact is even more difficult, even though it is precisely jokes that can encourage children to read ...

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