Sex and gender in science: Why they matter

First published in November 1869, the prestigious British scientific journal Nature is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year with a special issue called "150 Years of Nature." In it, scientists from around the world ...

Feminist social theories put to the test

A dissertation at Örebro University in Sweden brings to light major weaknesses in feminist social theories. They are untenable, far too undeveloped, and laden with insoluble internal problems of logic.

Girls lead boys in academic achievement globally

Considerable attention has been paid to how boys' educational achievements in science and math compare to girls' accomplishments in those areas, often leading to the assumption that boys outperform girls in these areas. Now, ...

Gender equity can cause sex differences to grow bigger

How do sex differences arise? Few questions animate as much disagreement and contention, in everyday society and in academic study. For as long as the question has been asked, the answers have fallen between two extremes: ...

When is migration successful adaptation to climate change?

A new study by an international team from Africa, Asia and Europe has put forward three criteria for evaluating the success of migration as adaptation in the face of climate change: well-being, equity and sustainability.

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