Hydrogen distribution not an option in biomass gasification

When using fuel cells to generate electricity from biomass, the best approach is to do so centrally, in combination with a gas turbine. The production and subsequent distribution of hydrogen is an inefficient process. This ...

Recycling Europe's three million tonnes of tyre waste

With up to 70 percent of used tyres ending up in landfills, there is an opportunity to find other ways of recycling this material, and in turn reduce the environmental damage. The EU-funded TyGRE project set out to find a ...

Quantifying uncertainty in computer model predictions

DOE's National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has great interest in technologies that will lead to reducing the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuel-burning power plants. Advanced energy technologies such as Integrated Gasification ...

Cow manure to synthetic gas: How can we optimize the process?

The overuse of fossil fuels has led to pollution that has become a globally recognized environmental problem. Therefore, adjusting the energy structure and gradually reducing the use of traditional fossil fuels such as oil ...

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