Company solves gas nozzle dripping problem

( -- One of the hallmarks of the human race has been the myriad ways that single individuals or small groups respond when noting problems big and small. They may see something as a challenge or a glitch in the status ...

Hydrogen still in the eco-car race

(AP) -- Hydrogen, one of Earth's most abundant elements, once was seen as green energy's answer to the petroleum-driven car: easy to produce, available everywhere and nonpolluting when burned.

Insta-gas, for the ultimate couch potato

Even in an era where no errand is too small to outsource to a smartphone application, startup Purple, which dispatches a stranger to fill up customers' gas tanks, might smack as on-demand capitalism gone too far.

Forest-destroying palm oil powers cars in EU: report

Palm oil produced on tropical plantations that drive deforestation has become a major biofuel for vehicles in the European Union, industry figures released Tuesday by an environmental group revealed.

On the way to hydrogen storage?

( -- The car of the future could be propelled by a fuel cell powered with hydrogen. But what will the fuel tank look like? Hydrogen gas is not only explosive but also very space-consuming. Storage in the form ...

Cheap natural gas makes inroads as US vehicle fuel

Natural gas, whose price is at record lows thanks to a shale drilling boom, is gaining traction as an alternative energy in the United States, with automakers jumping on the bandwagon.

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