Cassini Shows Saturnian Roller Derby, Strange Weather

( -- The seemingly serene orb of Saturn is in fact a gas giant with extraordinary patterns of charged particles and rough and tumble roller derbies for rings. Such are the findings of NASA's Cassini spacecraft ...

Creating a quantum gas

( -- "One of the many reasons people study ultracold gases is for their potential as model quantum systems," Deborah Jin tells "There is a need to model quantum many-body systems because a lot of ...

Rich Ore Deposits Linked to Ancient Atmosphere

( -- Much of our planet's mineral wealth was deposited billions of years ago when Earth's chemical cycles were different from today's. Using geochemical clues from rocks nearly 3 billion years old, a group of ...

Toward the design of greener consumer products

So you're a manufacturer about to introduce a new consumer product to the marketplace. Will that product or the manufacture of the product contribute to global warming through the greenhouse effect?

Opening the Door for CO2

( -- Until recently, factory smokestacks that produced nothing but carbon dioxide and water vapor were considered exemplary. Now CO2 has become notorious as a greenhouse gas, and the danger of climate change has ...

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