Collaboration puts natural gas on the road

DOE's Savannah River National Laboratory, in partnership with Ford Motor Company, the University of California-Berkeley, and BASF, has research underway to explore an innovative low-pressure material-based natural gas fuel ...

The birth of a very-high-field superconductor

The strong magnetic fields of an MRI scanner or a particle accelerator are generated efficiently by electromagnets that have superconducting wire in their coils. A group of scientists has discovered how to make better wires ...

CWRU awarded grant to build battery for smart grid, renewables

A Department of Energy agency that funds high-risk, high-payoff research, has awarded engineers at Case Western Reserve University $567,805 to develop a "rustbelt" battery with unprecedented flexibility and utility.

GPS stations can detect clandestine nuclear tests

At the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) meeting this week, American researchers are unveiling a new tool for detecting illegal nuclear explosions: the Earth's global positioning system (GPS).

JPL-developed clean energy technology moves forward

A team of scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., in partnership with the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, developed a Direct Methanol Fuel Cell technology for future Department ...

New biofuels processing method for mobile facilities

Chemical engineers at Purdue University have developed a new method to process agricultural waste and other biomass into biofuels, and they are proposing the creation of mobile processing plants that would rove the Midwest ...

Suzaku snaps first complete X-ray view of a galaxy cluster

The joint Japan-U.S. Suzaku mission is providing new insight into how assemblages of thousands of galaxies pull themselves together. For the first time, Suzaku has detected X-ray-emitting gas at a cluster's outskirts, where ...

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