Climate change puts invasive plants on the move

Climate change may force one of New England's invasive plant species to retreat north, while another will likely stay put and take over an even greater area, according to a new study by UConn faculty and former doctoral candidates.

Garlic mustard populations likely to decline

Invasive plants are often characterized as highly aggressive, possessing the power to alter and even irreversibly change the ecosystems they invade. But a recent University of Illinois study shows that one such invader, garlic ...

Garlic keeps fanged fish parasites away

The use of garlic to fend off vampires has been well embedded in the minds of most thanks to a number of recent cinematic releases. However, there may be some fact beneath all that fiction for fish, where dietary supplementation ...

New keys to control garlic rot

Researchers at the UPM have revealed decisive aspects to address the control of the fusariosis, a disease caused by garlic rot during storage.

Invaders' away-field advantage weaker than ecologists thought

( —For decades, ecologists have assumed the worst invasive species—such as brown tree snakes and kudzu—have an "away-field advantage." They succeed because they do better in their new territories than they ...

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