Chromosome responsible for asparagus gender characterized

Garden asparagus is, from a financial perspective, the most important asparagus species of all. Its cultivation area is equal to that of garlic, carrots and eggplants, making it decisive for the asparagus sector.

How to teach kids where food comes from – get them gardening

Survey the shelves of most supermarkets and you'll no doubt be confronted with row upon row of food designed to appeal to children. Be it chicken nuggets or turkey twizzlers – many foods now bear little resemblance to their ...

Burly bird gets the worm

The pecking order of garden birds is determined by their size and weight, new research shows.

Smart gardens to help save Earth's soil

Smartphone users can now collect important data from their gardens to help the battle against climate change and solve the planet's hunger crisis.

Expert discusses invasion of Asian super ants

Fears that the invasive garden ant, also called the Asian super ant, is spreading across the UK are being reported in the UK press. Here, Ph.D. student at the University of York's Department of Biology, Phillip Buckham-Bonnett, ...

ECOSTRESS among science payloads on next space station mission

A new batch of science is headed to the International Space Station aboard the SpaceX Dragon on the company's 15th mission for commercial resupply services, scheduled for launch June 29 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in ...

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