Physics Nobel belies Italy's scientific brain drain

Italian physicist Giorgio Parisi will receive a shared Nobel prize at a ceremony Monday, but behind the celebrations is consternation at the brain-drain that for years has seen many young scientists leave to work abroad.

Revealing hidden extinction risk in Madagascar's rare plant species

For many species, there is a lack of information needed to make extinction risk assessments—a problem that is particularly acute in biodiverse regions such as Madagascar. Scientists also fear that current methods of assessing ...

A preliminary framework for better urban agroforestry

Today's cities don't have walls for protection like ancient ones, but they are separate from less urban and rural land. Most goods that city-dwellers purchase are brought in from rural farms and manufacturers. There is an ...

Which species will be our urban neighbours?

All over the world, people are moving out of rural areas, and cities are growing. What will be the impact on resident species that live in these cities? Which will be our new plant and animal neighbors, which will have to ...

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