Astronomers discover an unusual nuclear transient

An international group of astronomers has detected an unusual nuclear transient in the nucleus of a weakly active galaxy. The new transient was identified by the OGLE-IV Transient Detection System and received designation ...

Unveiling the secrets of the Milky Way galaxy

A multinational team of astronomers involving the University of Adelaide has catalogued over 70 sources of very high energy gamma rays, including 16 previously undiscovered ones, in a survey of the Milky Way using gamma ray ...

Students fortify concrete by adding recycled plastic

Discarded plastic bottles could one day be used to build stronger, more flexible concrete structures, from sidewalks and street barriers, to buildings and bridges, according to a new study.

A gamma ray burst observed in unprecedented detail

A study which is published in Nature magazine with observations from the robotic telescope MASTER-IAC at the Teide Observatory will help to clear up some unknown factors in the initial phase and the evolution of the huge ...

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