Why do we learn to reward cooperation?

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute in Plön show that reputation plays a key role in determining which rewarding policies people adopt. Using game theory, they explain why individuals learn to use rewards to specifically ...

Psychological game theory: When emotions enter the equation

As brilliantly visualized in the Disney-Pixar animated movie "Inside Out" (2015), emotions guide most of our actions, if not all. However, for a long time, economists did not pay much attention to emotions and how they shape ...

Study: Individuals value information as they do material objects

Technology has enabled the creation of a vast and growing amount of information, leading to benefits (e.g., more data to learn from) as well as drawbacks (e.g., the spread of fake news and conspiracy theories). New research ...

Examining safe havens for cooperation

Why do individuals from single cells to humans cooperate with each other and how do they form well-functioning networks? A research team led by Prof. Dr. Thilo Gross from the University of Oldenburg has come a step closer ...

For a smooth-running economy, rule of law matters

Countries in which courts more easily enforce contracts see less economic volatility overall than nations that don't adhere as well to the rule of law. That's the finding from a study by a finance researcher at The University ...

New model could improve matches between students and schools

For the majority of students in the U.S., residential addresses determine which public elementary, middle, or high school they attend. But with an influx of charter schools and state-funded voucher programs for private schools, ...

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