Can non-partisan news survive in the online echo chamber?

Journalists are supposed to go where the story takes them, unrestrained by political bias. But the online media market puts the ideal of journalistic objectivity to a severe test, as highly partisan news sources compete for ...

First contact could turn out well for humanity

You've heard this story before. An advanced alien race comes to Earth. They offer peace and prosperity, but they hold a dark secret. One that could destroy humanity. That dark secret has varied over the years, from stealing ...

Creating the tools to conserve our wildlife

The sixth mass extinction is currently happening on Earth. Rapid biodiversity loss is affecting every corner of the globe, as species of plants, mammals, fish, and reptiles disappear due to the changing climate. While much ...

Why do some politicians cling to power after electoral defeat?

What effect do election processes, protests, social media, electoral rules, integrity, and voter outcomes have on an incumbent's decision to respect an election result or fight to retain office? A paper published in the Journal ...

Exploring how community-based social norms evolve

Cooperation is a guiding principle of everyday life. It's as simple as following the rules of the road when driving or holding a door for a stranger; cooperation is a fundamental aspect of human societies and has long intrigued ...

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