Wireless vs. wireless

3G and Wi-Fi are the two main mobile communications technologies today, but until recently they have been complementary services, the former offering users network access through cell phone masts forming a wide-area network ...

Moralists have the last laugh

Over-fishing, tax evasion, freeriding: the Tragedy of the Commons happens again and again. A computer model now offers new insights into the way our society functions.

Statistcal Physics Offers Insight Into Moral Behavior

(PhysOrg.com) -- It seems a little strange for statistical physicists to consider questions of morality in behavior. However, that is is just what a study at ETH in Zurich, Switzeralnd, is doing. Led by Dirk Helbing, the ...

Analyzing Effects Of Hoops Ball Hog

Fans will have noticed that when a basketball team's best player sits out for a while the team will sometimes actually do better than when the star is playing. Concepts from the mathematical science called game theory help ...

Cool model for a hot planet

In his recent book, "Strategic Bargaining and Cooperation in Greenhouse Gas Mitigations," Binghamton University's Zili Yang suggests ways governments might realistically work together to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. He ...

Bacteria wouldn't opt for a swine flu shot

Bacteria inhabited our planet for more than 4 billion years before humans showed up, and they'll probably outlive us by as many eons more. That suggests they may have something to teach us.

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