Related topics: galaxies · supermassive black hole

Hubble images a complex galactic trio

This luminescent image features multiple galaxies, perhaps most noticeably LEDA 58109, the lone galaxy in the upper right. LEDA 58109 is flanked by two further galactic objects to its lower left—a galaxy with an active ...

Image: Hubble examines elliptical galaxy Messier 105

It might appear featureless and unexciting at first glance, but NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observations of this elliptical galaxy—known as Messier 105—show that the stars near the galaxy's center are moving very ...

Image: Active Galaxy Centaurus A

( -- Resembling looming rain clouds on a stormy day, dark lanes of dust crisscross the giant elliptical galaxy Centaurus A.

What activates a supermassive black hole?

A new study combining data from ESO's Very Large Telescope and ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray space observatory has turned up a surprise. Most of the huge black holes in the centres of galaxies in the past 11 billion years were not ...

Neutrino produced in a cosmic collider far away

The neutrino event IceCube 170922A, detected at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole, appears to originate from the distant active galaxy TXS 0506+056, at a light travel distance of 3.8 billion light years. ...

NGC 4945: The Milky Way's not-so-distant Cousin

( -- ESO has released a striking new image of a nearby galaxy that many astronomers think closely resembles our own Milky Way. Though the galaxy is seen edge-on, observations of NGC 4945 suggest that this hive ...

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