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Unravelling the genetics of fungal fratricide

Selfish genes are genes that are passed on to the next generation but confer no advantage on the individual as a whole, and may sometimes be harmful. Researchers at Uppsala University have, for the first time, sequenced (or ...

Tropical frogs found to coexist with deadly fungus

Amphibian biologists from around the world watched in horror in 2004, as the frogs of El Copé, Panama, began dying by the thousands. The culprit: Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, a deadly fungus more commonly known as chytrid ...

Deadly amphibian fungus has its origins in East Asia

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), known as chytrid fungus, has long been known to cause the decline and extinction of numerous species of frogs, toads, salamanders and other amphibians on several continents. Chytrid is ...

Disease afflicting frogs becoming deadlier

A disease-inducing fungus in amphibians worldwide could become deadlier as different genetic variations emerge, according to research led by The University of Alabama.

Using fungi to produce renewable energy

Ebru Alazi 'hacked' an enzyme-producing system in the fungus Aspergillus niger in order to produce renewable energy more easily. She manipulated the fungus, making it produce more pectinases: enzymes mainly used in the food ...

Novel bioactive steroid biosynthetic pathway in symbiotic fungi

A group of researchers from Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of Tokyo and Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products at Jinan University, identified the biosynthetic gene cluster ...

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