Fungi in the gut prime immunity against infection

Common fungi, often present in the gut, teach the immune system how to respond to their more dangerous relatives, according to new research from scientists at Weill Cornell Medicine. Breakdowns in this process can leave people ...

How maize makes an antibiotic cocktail

Maize (Zea mays) produces a plethora of antibiotics called zealexins. Even though scientists have identified at least 15 zealexins, they suspect there are even more to find. Zealexins are produced in every corn variety and ...

A new way of combating fungal infections

In agriculture, fungicides are used to combat fungal infections, and in medicine, antimycotics—both of which have their drawbacks. The microbiologist Florentine Marx-Ladurner is working on a new, more natural active antifungal ...

What can ants and termites teach us about fighting disease?

You live in a crowded underground city with everyone you know. A relative comes home, and you can tell that they've been exposed to something that could get you all sick. Unchecked, a disease could wipe out your whole civilization. ...

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