Related topics: fungus

Study could lead to new drugs to treat sleeping sickness

( -- Knowing the structure of an enzyme essential to the protozoan parasite that causes African sleeping sickness may lead to new drugs to combat the often-fatal disease and several other related disorders that ...

Researchers take aim at hard-to-treat fungal infections

A team of researchers at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Life Sciences and Bioengineering Center at Gateway Park has developed a new model system to study fungal infections. The system can be a powerful tool for screening ...

Squid open up new antimicrobial drug possibilities

If you like viewing pictures of adorable animals on the internet, it's possible you've run across the Hawaiian bobtail squid, a glowing, squishy, golf-ball-sized cephalopod that prompted the Ocean Conservancy to call it the ...

Researchers discover yeast self-destruct pathway

The cells of some yeast species undergo what appears to be a self-destruct process following certain kinds of stress, according to a new study from researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

How the antibiotic chloramphenicol causes damage to eukaryotes

A group of scientists from Japan led by Professor Takashi Kamakura of Tokyo University of Science has demonstrated the molecular and cellular basis of the toxic effects of the antibiotic chloramphenicol on eukaryotic cells. ...

Using insects to test for drug safety

Insects, such as some moths and fruit flies, react to microbial infection in the same way as mammals and so can be used to test the efficiency of new drugs, thereby reducing the need for animal testing. Dr Kevin Kavanagh ...

Studies provide insight into key oat chemical

Studies conducted by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are helping to increase understanding about the environmental factors that regulate production of avenanthramides (Avns), metabolites with potent antioxidant ...

Researchers supply significant genomic insight into tar spot on corn

First reported in 2015, tar spot is an emerging disease on corn that has rapidly spread across the United States and Canada, causing tremendous yield loss estimated at $1.2 billion in 2021 alone. Tar spot gets its name from ...

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