A new portable device to test equine lung function

When it comes to medical procedures, horses are like young children, says Melissa Mazan, V93, a professor of large animal medicine at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Horses won't necessarily comply with requests to ...

Coin-sized device detects measles virus in saliva

Measles is one of the most infectious airborne viruses worldwide. An inexpensive and effective vaccine is available, but Measles is common in developing countries and sporadic outbreaks also occur in developed countries, ...

NIST provides draft guidelines to secure mobile devices

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published draft guidelines that outline the baseline security technologies mobile devices should include to protect the information they handle. Smart phones, ...

New record: 3-D-printed optical-electronic integration

Optoelectronic integration offers a promising strategy to simultaneously obtain the merits of electrons and photons when they serve as information carriers, including high-density communication and high-speed information ...

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