Related topics: moon

Three planets in habitable zone of nearby star (w/ video)

( —A team of astronomers has combined new observations of Gliese 667C with existing data from HARPS at ESO's 3.6-metre telescope in Chile, to reveal a system with at least six planets. A record-breaking three of ...

Crashed asteroid has a tail that keeps getting longer

A strange comet-like object discovered in 2010 ended up being an asteroid that had been the victim of a head-on collision from another space rock. The object created a bit of buzz because of its mysterious X-shaped debris ...

Astronomers detect dust feature in comet ISON's inner coma

In April, when the Hubble Space Telescope looked out towards Jupiter's orbit and observed what has been billed as the "Comet of the Century" – Comet C/2012 S1 ISON – the space telescope photographed a unique feature in ...

ALMA pinpoints early galaxies at record speed

( —A team of astronomers has used the new ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) telescope to pinpoint the locations of over 100 of the most fertile star-forming galaxies in the early Universe. ALMA ...

Lunar cycle determines hunting behavior of nocturnal gulls

( —Zooplankton, small fish and squid spend hardly any time at the surface when there's a full moon. To protect themselves from their natural enemies, they hide deeper down in the water on bright nights, coming ...

Out on the pull: Why the moon always shows its face

Technically, Pink Floyd had it wrong. The space-facing side of the moon isn't dark (except at full moon when the Earth is between the sun and the moon). Not that you'd know that, given we always see the same side of our nearest ...

NASA: Flash reports consistent with single meteor

(AP)—Reports of a flash of light that streaked across the sky over the U.S. East Coast appeared to be a "single meteor event," the U.S. space agency said. Residents from New York City to Washington and beyond lit up social ...

Comet Pan-STARRS holds promise for stargazers

A rare bright comet shows up in the northern hemisphere this week, cruising past Earth with promise of spectacular naked-eye viewings of the giant ball of ice and dust streaking the twilight sky with a blazing tail.

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