Related topics: moon

Lunar occultation of Saturn

On the night of Monday August 4, mainland Australia will see Saturn disappear behind the moon. It's the third time this year that the moon and Saturn will perfectly line up, as viewed from our part of the world.

Catch the dramatic June 10th occultation of Saturn by the moon

Some terms in astronomy definitely have a PR problem, and are perhaps due for an overhaul. One such awkward term is occultation, which simply means that one celestial body is passing in front of another from an observer's ...

Source of 'moon curse' revealed by eclipse

Strange events have long been linked to nights of a full moon, though careful scrutiny dispels any association. So, when signals bounced off the lunar surface returned surprisingly faint echoes on full moon nights, scientists ...

Comet at dawn

( —Soon after its discovery in late summer of last year, the media hyped ISON to be the comet of the millennium. At the time when it is expected to come closest to the Sun, on 28 November 2013, it is supposed to ...

Young stars cooking in the Prawn Nebula

The glowing jumble of gas clouds visible in this new image make up a huge stellar nursery nicknamed the Prawn Nebula. Taken using the VLT Survey Telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile, this may well be the sharpest ...

Veeries stay mum at night to avoid becoming owl dinner

"When the sun hits the ground and the owl's been around, veeries nary make a sound." It's a familiar quotation you've never heard before, but one buoyed up as a modern truism thanks to recent research conducted in part by ...

Dark Energy Survey set to seek out supernovae

( —The largest ever search for supernovae – exploding stars up to 10 billion times brighter than the Sun – is beginning this August. For the next five years, the Dark Energy Survey (DES) will look for these ...

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