Renewable energy costs falling: agency

Power from renewable energy sources is getting cheaper every year, according to a study released Wednesday, challenging long-standing myths that clean energy technology is too expensive to adopt.

Climate: Nine bids to host future technology centre

Plans for a global centre to help transfer clean technology to poorer countries have drawn nine bids, including from Iran's oil industry and a team led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN climate forum said on ...

Accelerating adoption of agricultural technology

Research shows that it takes about eight years from the time public research funds are invested in technology development to the time the technology is first implemented. In the agricultural sector it can take as long as ...

Cheap beads offer alternative solar-heating storage

A cheap material that can store heat energy collected from the sun during the day that can be released slowly over night has been developed by researchers in the India. The material based on paraffin wax and stearic acid ...

Post-doctoral researcher makes strides in fuel cell technology

Liang Wang, a post-doctoral researcher in the University of Delaware's Center for Fuel Cell Research in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is developing new materials and structures that can improve the quality of ...

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