Related topics: fuel · fuel economy

Obama, Clinton to announce energy saving program

(AP) -- Enlisting former President Bill Clinton as a partner, President Barack Obama is announcing a $4 billion effort to increase the energy efficiency of government and private sector buildings, aiming for fuel savings ...

Ford Fusion wins LA car show green prize

The 2013 Ford Fusion was named Green Car of the Year Thursday at the LA Auto Show, as the US carmaker boasted having gone from "laggard to leader" in the environmentally-friendly vehicle market.

Increasing fuel efficiency with a smartphone

In July, at the Association for Computing Machinery’s MobiSys conference, researchers from MIT and Princeton University took the best-paper award for a system that uses a network of smartphones mounted on car dashboards ...

Mexico sets 25 pct pollution cut by 2030 for climate talks

Mexico has become the first developing nation to submit pollutant reduction goals for next fall's Paris climate change talks, pledging to cut greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions 25 percent by 2030.

Putting a window and lasers in a ship's hull

Every shipping manager wages an endless battle against fouling – the bacteria, seaweed, barnacles and other marine life that take residence on the hull of ships. This biofouling is thought to add more than 20 per cent to ...

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