Fuel chemistry distilled

A new conceptual model for describing a fuel's composition can accelerate and simplify combustion simulations. The gasoline and diesel we pump into our vehicles is a complex cocktail that can contain thousands of different ...

Advanced biofuels can be produced extremely efficiently

A chance to switch to renewable sources for heating, electricity and fuel, while also providing new opportunities for several industries to produce large numbers of renewable products. This is the verdict of researchers from ...

New catalyst turns ammonia into an innovative clean fuel

Taking measures against climate change and converting into societies that use significant amounts of renewable energy for power are two of the most important issues common to developed countries today. One promising technology ...

Will electric vehicles take over the world?

As more people and goods move around the planet, our cars, planes, trains, and ships are having a growing impact on the climate. Transportation now generates almost a quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, and in ...

Potential for a cleaner blend of fuel

A technique modeling the combustion characteristics of gasoline blended with biofuels for cleaner and more efficient fuels.

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