Related topics: fuel cell

Hydrogen-Powered Ion Tiger Sets 26-hour Flight Endurance Record

The Naval Research Laboratory's Ion Tiger, a hydrogen-powered fuel cell unmanned air vehicle (UAV), has flown 26 hours and 1 minute carrying a 5-pound payload, setting another unofficial flight endurance record for a fuel-cell ...

Making hydrogen energy with the common nickel

To resolve the energy crisis and environmental issues, research to move away from fossil fuels and convert to eco-friendly and sustainable hydrogen energy is well underway around the world. Recently, a team of researchers ...

Hydrogen mobility from clean energy gaining momentum in Europe

Although the mass roll-out of fuel cell electric vehicles is still years away, efforts to make hydrogen-powered cars mainstream have intensified in recent years. With Europe's ambitions to become a leader in zero-emission ...

Newly discovered design rules lead to better fuel cell catalyst

To create better batteries and fuel cells, scientists must make oxygen molecules gain and lose electrons efficiently. The reactions are frustratingly sluggish. Speeding the reactions requires heat and platinum, which are ...

Electrochemical step towards a better hydrogen storage

Good metal-based systems for hydrogen storage cannot be developed without knowing how this element permeates through metals. Researchers at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw managed ...

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