Related topics: fuel cell

Ford, Daimler, Nissan to research hydrogen cars

Ford is joining with Daimler and Renault-Nissan to speed development of cars that run on hydrogen, with hopes of bringing a vehicle to market in as little as four years.

Hydrogen mobility from clean energy gaining momentum in Europe

Although the mass roll-out of fuel cell electric vehicles is still years away, efforts to make hydrogen-powered cars mainstream have intensified in recent years. With Europe's ambitions to become a leader in zero-emission ...

Engineers develop novel system for producing conductive films

( -- Yale engineers have developed a novel automated system for generating strong, flexible, transparent coatings with promising uses in lithium-ion battery and fuel cell production, among other applications.

An uncommon influence for a research paper

( -- An article written in 2004 by a Lehigh engineering professor and his former student has received more citations than any publication in its field, according to a company that analyzes the influence of research ...

Size matters as nanocrystals go through phases

( —Understanding what happens to a material as it undergoes phase transformations – changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas or a plasma – is of fundamental scientific interest and critical for optimizing ...

Hydrogen-Powered Ion Tiger Sets 26-hour Flight Endurance Record

The Naval Research Laboratory's Ion Tiger, a hydrogen-powered fuel cell unmanned air vehicle (UAV), has flown 26 hours and 1 minute carrying a 5-pound payload, setting another unofficial flight endurance record for a fuel-cell ...

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