Ionic Liquid's Makeup Measurably Non-Uniform at the Nanoscale

( -- Researchers at Texas Tech University, Queen's University in Belfast, Ireland, the University of Rome and the National Research Council in Italy recently made a discovery about the non-uniform chemical compositions ...

Cerium's unusual behaviour

( -- Livermore researchers have found that a crystal of cerium -- the chemical element that can be used for catalysts and fuel additives -- behaves in very unique ways when subjected to high pressures.

Superfast airplanes through super tiny technology

An interdisciplinary team of scientists led by Princeton engineers has been awarded a $3 million grant to study how fuel additives made of tiny particles known as nanocatalysts can help supersonic jets fly faster and make ...

Acetone plus light creates a green jet fuel additive

Take biomass-derived acetone—common nail polish remover—use light to upgrade it to higher-mass hydrocarbons, and, voila, you have a domestically generated product that can be blended with conventional jet fuel to fly ...

A new catalyst for ethanol made from biomass

Researchers in the Pacific Northwest have developed a new catalyst material that could replace chemicals currently derived from petroleum and be the basis for more environmentally friendly products including octane-boosting ...

Harnessing plant-invading fungi for fuel

(—As gas prices rise around the world, researchers are seeking a potential solution from endophytic fungi—fungi that live inside plants.

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