Local changes in species diversity in Europe

Together with an international team, Senckenberg researchers published the results of a unique compilation of 161 biodiversity time series (over 15 to 91 years) covering 6,200 marine, terrestrial, and freshwater species from ...

New species of turtle found in Papua New Guinea

A new species of freshwater turtle has been discovered in Papua New Guinea, one of a group that would have been present for the full geological formation of its main Pacific island, researchers said.

Genetic analysis of the American eel helps explain its decline

The American eel has been a concern for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service since 2007, when it was first considered for, but failed to receive, Endangered Species Act protection. The numbers of these slender, slimy, ancient ...

The devil is in the detail

Researchers have looked at a species of fish to help unravel one of the biggest mysteries in evolutionary biology.

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