Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes

( -- A deadly fish virus - viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus - first discovered in the Northeast in 2005, has been found for the first time in Lake Superior. The virus is now in all of the Great Lakes.

The devil is in the detail

Researchers have looked at a species of fish to help unravel one of the biggest mysteries in evolutionary biology.

New species of turtle found in Papua New Guinea

A new species of freshwater turtle has been discovered in Papua New Guinea, one of a group that would have been present for the full geological formation of its main Pacific island, researchers said.

An 88 percent decline in large freshwater animals

Rivers and lakes cover just about one percent of Earth's surface, but are home to one third of all vertebrate species worldwide. At the same time, freshwater life is highly threatened. Scientists from the Leibniz-Institute ...

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