Quantum vortex formation in the lab

Quantized vortices can be generated in classical experiments of liquid helium and ultracold dilute gases to conduct fundamental and comparative studies of different superfluids. In a new report published in Science Advances, ...

Nine new and exotic creatures for the pulsar zoo

Researchers using MeerKAT in South Africa have discovered nine millisecond pulsars, most of them in rare and sometimes unusual binary systems, as the first result of a targeted survey. An international team with significant ...

Nanoscopic tool assesses alternative COVID-19 prevention

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Nano Letters how high-speed atomic force microscopy can be used to assess the effectivity of spike-neutralizing antibodies for preventing COVID-19. The use of such antibodies offers ...

CO molecular tilting detected by red-shifted TERS

The invention of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), has led to a paradigm shift in the visualization and understanding of surface structures ...

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