Researcher unravels one of geology's great mysteries

Danish researcher has solved one of the great mysteries of our geological past: Why the Earth's surface was not one big lump of ice four billion years ago when sun radiation was much weaker than today. Scientists have presumed ...

Mpemba effect: Why hot water can freeze faster than cold

( -- Scientists have known for generations that hot water can sometimes freeze faster than cold, an effect known as the Mpemba effect, but until now have not understood why. Several theories have been proposed, ...

The how and why of freezing the common fruit fly

Using a microscope the size of a football field, researchers from The University of Western Ontario are studying why some insects can survive freezing, while others cannot.

Big freeze plunged Europe into ice age in months

In the film, 'The Day After Tomorrow' the world enters the icy grip of a new glacial period within the space of just a few weeks. Now new research shows that this scenario may not be so far from the truth after all.

Freezing: a phenomenon that 'jumps'

( -- The freezing of suspensions of particles is not always a uniform phenomenon; in certain conditions it leads to a modification of the redistribution of particles and the growth of crystals.

Dead tigers to be frozen, studied

Thirty tigers have died in the country's various sanctuaries and reserves this year. With many of the deaths being suspect, the state has decided to take some action.

Spitzer Catches Star Cooking Up Comet Crystals (w/Animation)

( -- Scientists have long wondered how tiny silicate crystals, which need sizzling high temperatures to form, have found their way into frozen comets, born in the deep freeze of the solar system's outer edges. ...

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