How water droplets freeze: The physics of ice and snow

Freezing water is a central issue for climate, geology and life. On earth, ice and snow cover 10 percent of the land and up to half of the northern hemisphere in winter. Polar ice caps reflect up to 90 percent of the sun's ...

Bone weathering helps determine time of death

Researchers have made great strides in determining how long a human body has been dead by looking at characteristics of bones subjected to the elements. In one of the first studies looking at freezing and thawing specifically, ...

New material could make aircraft deicers a thing of the past

Instead of applying a deicing agent to strip ice from an aircraft's wings before stormy winter takeoffs, airport personnel could in the future just watch chunks slide right off without lifting a finger. Scientists report ...

Asparagus freezing tolerance related to rhizome traits

Certain cultivars of plants, while growing healthily in their original climates, can suffer from low sustainability when introduced to differing climatic zones. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Society ...

'Supercool' material glows when you write on it

A new material developed at the University of Michigan stays liquid more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit below its expected freezing point, but a light touch can cause it to form yellow crystals that glow under ultraviolet light.

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