New modeling approach helps advance cryopreservation

Cryopreserving tissues and organs without damaging them requires a delicate dance through the principles of thermodynamics. Carnegie Mellon University's Biothermal Technology Laboratory has a novel modeling approach for isochoric ...

Researchers observe continuous time crystal

Researchers from the Institute of Laser Physics at Universität Hamburg have succeeded for the first time in realizing a time crystal that spontaneously breaks continuous time translation symmetry. They report their observation ...

Air pollution may increase freezing rain in northern hemisphere

Freezing rain is a typical weather disaster in winter and early spring over many regions of the world, even tropical areas. It develops as supercooled water (below 0 °C) in the air and freezes immediately after depositing ...

Researchers use bacteria to enhance concrete resistance

Concrete, with its low cost, good compressive strength, and manufacturing convenience, is one of the most widely used materials in construction. However, with accelerating urbanization, natural aggregates for mixing with ...

Trees wearing accelerometers help track snowstorms

Knowing how tree canopies affect snowpack is a key part of predicting water availability. Despite this importance, hydrologists are still working to accurately quantify how snow "intercepted" by tree canopies affects snowpack. ...

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