Teaching complete evolutionary stories increases learning

Many students have difficulty understanding and explaining how evolution operates. In search of better ways to teach the subject, researchers at Michigan State University developed complete evolutionary case studies spanning ...

Ecological Armageddon in forest fragments

An international team of scientists including the University of Adelaide's Professor Corey Bradshaw has found that species living in rainforest fragments could be far more likely to disappear than was previously assumed.

Planned hydropower dams threaten fish in the tropics

Planned hydropower dams will greatly increase threats for freshwater fish species because of habitat fragmentation, especially in the tropics. This was already suspected, but environmental researchers at Radboud University, ...

Researchers develop harmless artificial virus for gene therapy

Researchers of the Nanobiology Unit from the UAB Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, led by Antonio Villaverde, managed to create artificial viruses, protein complexes with the ability of self-assembling and forming ...

Jays and crows act as ecosystem engineers

A forthcoming Review in The Condor: Ornithological Applications explores how oaks and pines depend on corvids, the group of birds that includes ravens, crows, and jays, to reproduce and spread—and how birds may be the key ...

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