Coral skeleton crystals record ocean acidification

The acidification of the oceans is recorded in the crystals of coral skeletons. This is a new tool for studying past environmental changes and combating climate change. Such is the main conclusion of a study led by the Spanish ...

Analysis of the parietal anatomy of Old World monkeys

The Paleoneurology group at the CENIEH, coordinated by Emiliano Bruner, has just published a paper in the journal American Journal of Primatology on the variations and differences in the parietal lobes of different species ...

When the dinosaurs died, lichens thrived

When an asteroid smacked into the Earth 66 million years ago, it triggered mass extinctions all over the planet. The most famous victims were the dinosaurs, but early birds, insects, and other life forms took a hit too. The ...

A new normal: Study explains universal pattern in fossil record

Throughout life's history on earth, biological diversity has gone through ebbs and flows—periods of rapid evolution and of dramatic extinctions. We know this, at least in part, through the fossil record of marine invertebrates ...

Dinosaur bones are home to microscopic life

Bad news, Jurassic Park fans—the odds of scientists cloning a dinosaur from ancient DNA are pretty much zero. That's because DNA breaks down over time and isn't stable enough to stay intact for millions of years. And while ...

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