Early whales gave birth on land, fossil find reveals (Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- Two newly described fossil whales---a pregnant female and a male of the same species--reveal how primitive whales gave birth and provide new insights into how whales made the transition from land to sea.

Largest spider fossil found in China

(PhysOrg.com) -- According to Paul Selden, the director of the Paleontological Institute at the University of Kansas, he and his team members have discovered the largest spider fossil. The fossil was discovered within ancient ...

Extinct giant shark nursery discovered in Panama

The six-foot-long babies of the world's biggest shark species, Carcharocles megalodon, frolicked in the warm shallow waters of an ancient shark nursery in what is now Panama, report paleontologists working at the Smithsonian ...

Earliest animals lived in a lake environment, research shows

Evidence for life on Earth stretches back billions of years, with simple single-celled organisms like bacteria dominating the record. When multi-celled animal life appeared on the planet after 3 billion years of single cell ...

Dugongs likely to be functionally extinct in China

A small team of researchers from China, the U.K. and Greece reports that dugongs are likely functionally extinct in China. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group describes interviewing ...

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