Scientists discover organic acid in a protoplanetary disk

An international team of scientists from Russia, Germany, Italy, the U.S. and France has discovered a relatively high concentration of formic acid in a protoplanetary disk. This is the first organic molecule found in protoplanetary ...

Converting CO2 to store renewable energy

Yuvraj Birdja converted CO2 to formic acid to store energy in a sustainable way, with different catalysts. With this new knowledge, scientists are a step closer in industrially converting CO2 to chemicals and fuels. This ...

Team creates the world's first formic acid-based fuel cell

Clean energy costs will be equal or less than fossil fuels by 2020, while renewable energy sources will meet 40 percent of global energy demand by 2040. But because renewable energy depends on the sun and wind, it is still ...

A radical approach to methane oxidation into methanol

Free radicals don't get the best press. However, while they are known as harmful oxidants in the body, these ultra-reactive chemicals are indispensable in the lab. Radical reactions play a role in key technologies such as ...

Researchers make alcohol out of thin air

It may sound too good to be true, but TU Delft PhD student Ming Ma has found a way to produce alcohol out of thin air. Or to be more precise, he has found how to effectively and precisely control the process of electroreduction ...

Recruiting manganese to upgrade carbon dioxide

OIST researchers developed simple catalysts based on Earth-abundant manganese to use carbon dioxide for energy storage or turn it into useful chemicals for the industry.

Method could make hydrogen fuel cells more efficient

With the growth of wind and solar energy and the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, many people in the U.S. may have forgotten about the promised "hydrogen economy." But in research labs around the world, progress ...

Capturing and converting CO2 in a single step

Turning carbon dioxide from coal-fired power plants into a more valuable chemical would reduce carbon emissions while creating a revenue return. At the University of Pittsburgh, researchers computationally derived a metal-free ...

Fastest hydrogen battery ever stepping stone to hydrogen car?

Can cars run on formic acid? They just might one day, after what physical chemist Georgy Filonenko discovered in his dissertation. He developed a catalyst in which hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2) can form formic acid in ...

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