Dyes from atmospheric carbon dioxide

Dry soils in Germany, heat records in the Arctic and thawing permafrost soils in Siberia. The consequences of climate change are visible across the globe. To reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, ...

Renewable fuel from carbon dioxide with the aid of solar energy

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, are attempting to convert carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, to fuel using energy from sunlight. Recent results have shown that it is possible to use their technique to selectively ...

Formate dehydrogenase reduces carbon dioxide to formic acid

Professor Yutaka Amao of the Osaka City University Artificial Photosynthesis Research Center and Ryohei Sato, a 1st year Ph.D. student of the Graduate School of Science majoring in Physics and Chemistry, reveal that the catalyst ...

Nanocatalyst makes heavy work of formic acid

Hydrogen occurs in nature as H2 molecules; however when deuterium isotopes—so called "heavy hydrogen"—are introduced, the result can be deuterium hydride (HD) or deuterium gas (D2). These compounds are useful starting ...

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