Rare elephant found dead in Indonesia

A critically-endangered Sumatran elephant has been found dead in Indonesia's Aceh province, an official said Wednesday, the second death from suspected poisoning within a month.

Fungi-filled forests are critical for endangered orchids

When it comes to conserving the world's orchids, not all forests are equal. In a paper to be published Jan. 25 in the journal Molecular Ecology, Smithsonian ecologists revealed that an orchid's fate hinges on two factors: ...

Warnings as sustainable palm oil effort falters

Environmentalists have warned that an effort to encourage the sustainable production of palm oil launched several years ago has not kept pace with expanding cultivation driven by rising demand.

Scientists discover 12 new frog species in India

Years of combing tropical mountain forests, shining flashlights under rocks and listening for croaks in the night have paid off for a team of Indian scientists which has discovered 12 new frog species plus three others thought ...

Sustainability of Pennsylvania forests challenged

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new report on the sustainability of forests in the United States indicates that Pennsylvania forests have declined slightly in the last decade and face a number of threats, according to an expert in Penn ...

NY biologists map strategy to save spruce grouse

Genetic analysis at the state museum confirms what biologists squishing through Adirondack bogs already knew: New York's population of the spruce grouse, a chicken-like bird of the boreal forest, is nearing extinction.

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