To save corals, save the forests, study says

Conservationists fighting to save coastal coral reefs should think first about combatting local deforestation rather than attacking the wider peril of global warming, suggests an unusual study published on Tuesday.

Physicists light 'magnetic fire' to reveal energy's path

New York University physicists have uncovered how energy is released and dispersed in magnetic materials in a process akin to the spread of forest fires, a finding that has the potential to deepen our understanding of self-sustained ...

New study links extreme weather to climate change

Scientists said Monday they have identified a physical mechanism behind the extreme weather that has plagued many parts of the world in recent years—and that it is tied to climate change.

China releases panda after special survival regime

A captive-bred Chinese panda has been released into the wild as part of efforts to help the struggling species, but this time with special survival training after one of the animals died in a previous attempt.

Dwindling space for Africa's great apes

Over the last 30 years, great ape numbers have plummeted across Africa, due to increasing rates of commercial hunting, habitat destruction, and disease. A continent-wide, data-based overview of their habitats is now possible, ...

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