How waste wood works for forests

At first glance, they may look lush and green, but many of the nation's forests also are chock-full of brush—often, invasive species and disease-transmitting biomass—just waiting for a spark. "One of the reasons wildfires ...

Earth's northern biomass mapped and measured

The biomass of the northern hemisphere's forests has been mapped with greater precision than ever before thanks to satellites, improving our understanding of the carbon cycle and our prediction of Earth's future climate.

Explainer: How much carbon can the world's forests absorb?

You are walking through the bush when you see an enormous tree trunk, tens of metres long, lying across the forest floor. Imagine you and several dozen friends lifting it by hand. Now you've literally grasped the significance ...

Wood not so green a biofuel

Using wood for energy is considered cleaner than fossil fuels, but a Dartmouth College-led study finds that logging may release large amounts of carbon stored in deep forest soils. The results appear in the journal Global ...

Powerful enzymes create ethanol from agricultural harvest waste

The DISCO project coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed powerful enzymes, which accelerate plant biomass conversion into sugars and further into products such as bioethanol. The project's results ...

New Cuban biodiesel looks to 'bellyache bush'

A new biodiesel plant in Cuba -- the first of its type -- is turning seeds from the so-called "bellyache bush" into a green energy source, it was announced Monday.

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