Aeolus winds now in daily weather forecasts

ESA's Aeolus satellite has been returning profiles of Earth's winds since 3 September 2018, just after it was launched—and after months of careful testing these measurements are considered so good that the European Centre ...

Experiment closes critical gap in weather forecasting

Scientists working on the next frontier of weather forecasting are hoping that weather conditions 3-to-4 weeks out will soon be as readily available as seven-day forecasts. Having this type of weather information—called ...

NASA soil data joins the Air Force

Getting stuck on a muddy road is a hassle for anyone, but for the U.S. Army it could be far more serious—a matter of life and death in some parts of the world. That's one of the reasons the U.S. Air Force HQ 557th Weather ...

Video: SMOS 10 years in orbit

The ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite has been in orbit for a decade. This remarkable satellite has not only exceeded its planned life in orbit, but also surpassed its original scientific goals. It was ...

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