What are the risks when hens lay their eggs on the floor?

Hens usually prefer to lay their eggs in nests but it is not unusual for some eggs to be laid on the floor of the hen house or on the ground and in some cases the incidence of floor eggs can be quite high. A new study aims ...

Enzymes from bacteria and fungi break down plastic

Every year, the world produces 380 million tons of plastic. A lot of it ends up in nature and stays there for a long time. It can take 450 years to break down a plastic bottle.

Five reasons why sugar is added to food

From a food science and technology perspective, sugar (sucrose) plays several roles when it comes to the functional properties in food. In the September issue of Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety published ...

Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches

Greenland's rapidly melting ice sheet will eventually raise global sea level by at least 10.6 inches (27 centimeters)—more than twice as much as previously forecast—according to a study published Monday.

Mozambique saved from floods due to early warning

Engulfed by a raging torrent of water last week, the town of Chokwe in southern Mozambique was all but destroyed for the second time in 13 years, but it emerged with a hugely lower death toll.

Researchers discover what is on the menu for dragonflies

Researchers from the Universities of Turku and Helsinki, Finland, have discovered the prey species of adult dragonflies and damselflies, as modern laboratory techniques enabled the study of the insects' diet. In the study, ...

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