Scientists uncover coral-algae reward, punishment system

In human society, reward and punishment are introduced as an incentive to induce cooperation. However, some people still try to cheat to win. So, is there a system with clear rewards and punishments in the world of other ...

Want natural food dye? Amaranth delivers, according to study

Artificial food dyes have been linked to multiple health concerns, including hyperactivity in children, allergies, and certain cancers. The science isn't settled and the Food and Drug Administration says color additives are ...

Research examines food sustainability in a university context

Every year, about a third of all food produced in the world—about 1.3 billion tons—is wasted in consumers' homes and retail businesses, according to the United Nations (UN). The food sector also accounts for around 30% ...

Edible coating made from silk can extend shelf life of foods

The Silklab at Tufts University has pioneered the use of silk as a biological solution for many technological challenges. Just like the silk that goes into fine fabric, the silk used in the lab comes from the cocoons of silkworms, ...

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