Economics drives migration from Central America to the U.S.

A new report about migration, co-authored by MIT scholars, shows that economic distress is the main factor pushing migrants from Central America to the U.S.—and highlights the personal costs borne by people as they seek ...

Direct-marketing farms have double the regional impact

Sacramento-area farmers and ranchers who sell their products directly to consumers generate twice as much regional economic impact per dollar of output as do area food producers who don't engage in direct marketing, reports ...

Recipe for food sovereignty

The actors of the food supply chain need to adapt their practice to ensure both safe and sustainable production while retaining their say on food sovereignty

Book considers more sustainable food production methods

In his new book "Regenesis," journalist and environmental activist George Monbiot describes problems associated with agriculture now and into the future. He also gives examples of how agriculture can be improved to produce ...

Mathematical model developed to prevent botulism

Food producers can use a mathematical model developed at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, to ensure their products do not cause botulism. It is the most comprehensive model of its kind.

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