Knowledge of the origin of the food makes it taste better

The research was conducted in Indonesia with the participation of young Indonesians who rated modern and traditional versions of tempeh, which has a long tradition in Indonesian cuisine and consists of beans fermented with ...

The time is ripe for Salmonella

The ripeness of fruit could determine how food-poisoning bacteria grow on them, according to scientists presenting their work at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference in Dublin this week. Their work could ...

Study suggests some consumers confuse 'local' with 'organic' food

( —With more people buying local and organic food, consumers should know the difference between the two so they recognize what they're buying, but nearly one in five still confuse the terms, a University of Florida ...

Early-season strawberry tested in high elevation conditions

In response to increased awareness generated by the expanding local foods movement, demand for fresh strawberries has increased throughout the United States. The fresh market strawberry industry in the U.S. flourishes in ...

With food prices, drought affects farmers more than consumers

While consumers will see increases in the prices of meat, eggs and dairy products as a result of this year's drought, they won't see its effects nearly as much as farmers, according to an agricultural economist in Penn State's ...

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