Passover's matzoh ball soup may be good for your health

With the Jewish holiday of Passover beginning at sundown next Wednesday, April 8, a staple of the traditional dinner -- chicken soup with matzoh balls -- may take on medicinal importance based on findings published in the ...

Gooda, Gouda! Solving the 800-year-old secret of a big cheese

Almost 800 years after farmers in the village of Gouda in Holland first brought a creamy new cheese to market, scientists in Germany say they have cracked the secret of Gouda’s good taste. They have identified the key protein ...

New test for detecting fake organic milk

Scientists in Germany are reporting development of a new, more effective method to determine whether milk marketed as "organic" is genuine or just ordinary milk mislabeled to hoodwink consumers. Their report appears in the ...

Edible fungus foils dangerous grapefruit-drug interactions

Scientists in Florida report that adding an edible mushroom-like fungus to grapefruit juice may help to reduce the serious side effects that can occur when people taking certain prescription drugs drink grapefruit juice. ...

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