X-ray scattering shines light on protein folding

KAIST researchers have used an X-ray method to track how proteins fold, which could improve computer simulations of this process, with implications for understanding diseases and improving drug discovery. Their findings were ...

Mitochondrial unfolded protein response signals imminent danger

Misfolded proteins must be promptly eliminated as they can form toxic aggregates in cells. LMU biologists have studied how this process is triggered in mitochondria and identified a general alarm signal that activates it.

Researchers describe the role of water in protein folding

A study developed by researchers at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona (UB), published in the journal Physical Review Letters, describes the contribution of water to the three-dimensional structure of proteins ...

Team discovers many new twists in protein folding

Biophysicists at JILA have measured protein folding in more detail than ever before, revealing behavior that is surprisingly more complex than previously known. The results suggest that, until now, much about protein behavior ...

Molecular chaperones help with folding

Chaperones are molecular helpers that assist other proteins with folding. One such chaperone is the so-called heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60). This protein forms structures in mitochondria that resemble barrels in which folding ...

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