Physicists help biologists to understand protein folding

Physicists at UC Santa Barbara have created a microscopic device to assist biologists in making very fast molecular measurements that aid the understanding of protein folding. This development may help elucidate biological ...

Physicsts reveal how to cope with 'frustration'

For most people, frustration is a condition to be avoided. But for scientists studying certain "frustrated" ensembles of interacting components - that is, those which cannot settle into a state that minimizes each interaction ...

Chaperonins prompt proper protein folding -- but how?

In proper society of yesterday, the chaperone insured that couples maintained proper courting rituals. In biology, a group of proteins called chaperonins makes sure that proteins are folded properly to carry out their assigned ...

Singing During Pregnancy May Be Harder Due To Hormones

The question of how hormones affect a woman's voice is relevant to professional singers because hormonal fluctuations may place them at risk of injury. Knowing when the risks are greatest would help singers avoid performing ...

Ice Gets Bent Out of Shape

For the first time, scientists have built completely flat, two-layer ice. While theoreticians have predicted that such ices are formed by squeezing water molecules between two surfaces, scientists at Pacific Northwest National ...

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