Video: Harvesting fresh water from fog

Researchers at MIT's School of Engineering, working with colleagues at the Pontificial University of Chile in Santiago, are harvesting potable water from the coastal fog that forms on the edge of one of the driest regions ...

Fog harvesting: How to get fresh water out of thin air

In some of this planet's driest regions, where rainfall is rare or even nonexistent, a few specialized plants and insects have devised ingenious strategies to provide themselves with the water necessary for life: They pull ...

Project seeks to harvest fog for irrigation

Fog has been billowing inside a small greenhouse on the University of Washington campus for the past month, but it doesn't arrive on little cat feet. It comes hissing out of high-pressure nozzles.

Mercury in coastal fog linked to upwelling of deep ocean water

An ongoing investigation of elevated mercury levels in coastal fog in California suggests that upwelling of deep ocean water along the coast brings mercury to the surface, where it enters the atmosphere and is absorbed by ...

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