Qarman CubeSat: Falling into a fireball

This Wednesday 12 February, ESA's latest mission will enter the vacuum of space, not aboard a rocket but by being released from the International Space Station. The first task of the shoebox-sized Qarman CubeSat is simply ...

Simulations show effects of buoyancy on drift in Florida Current

Acquiring a better understanding for how objects drift in the ocean has importance for a wide range of uses, like tracking algae, predicting the locations of wreckage and debris and better focusing how to clean up ocean litter. ...

Fluid dynamics taught through dance

A collaboration at University of Michigan is taking a unique approach to fluid mechanics by teaching it through dance. Fluid mechanics professor Jesse Capecelatro and choreographer Veronica Stanich, both from the University ...

Enhanced fuel cell performance with optimized flows

Fuel cells convert the chemical energy in fuels (hydrogen and hydrocarbons such as methane, butane, gasoline or diesel) into electrical energy to power devices. EU researchers developed a simplified computational model simulating ...

Darker-winged birds have better flight performance

Many seabirds evolved dark wings, independent from each other. New research shows that these darker wings heat up more and that this heating up increases the efficiency of flight in birds. Furthermore, the study confirmed ...

Modeling a right royal butterfly effect

The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus, is renowned for its striking appearance and perhaps even more than that, its remarkable long-distance migration. The population present in North America heads south each year in the ...

How to study high-speed flows

Joanna Austin (MS '98, PhD '03) does not just go with the flow. She picks it apart and analyzes it. One of the newest faculty members in Caltech's Division of Engineering and Applied Science is a gas dynamicist, Austin studies ...

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